to the Church, “the apocalypse, from the Greek
“Revelation”, you/he/she has been written
by the disciple Giovanni, the same author of the IV
Gospel, in the years 94-95 in the island of Patmos (Greece)
during the persecutions against the Christians operated
by the emperor Domiziano. It expresses, through the
revelation from an angel to Giovanni the evangelist,
the certainty of the final victory of Christ on the
powers of the evil”. (Bible and. C.E.I.)
Leaving every comment on the unauthorized and factious
meaning that the Church attributes to this book, that
is not our intention to enter discussions fideistiche,
we pass to the examination of this book exclusively
considering that presuppositions that can be essays
in a secular trial, what those dependent exclusively
from the reason and from a controllable historical documentation.
book of the apocalypse, composed of 22 chapters, have
been written in reality in two editions, the first one
constituted by 18 chapters, gone out in 68 during the
70 war and the second, had been representing for the
first three chapter and from the last one, that was
assistant in 95 from the spiritualists. As it is logical
that pits, while the first 18, written by the revolutionary
ones, I am the expression of the program warlike Zealot
founded on the hate and the revenge against Rome and
his/her allies, the seconds four, written by the essenis
spiritualists, they represent the whole pacifism of
which the people was served boasters after the division
as the revolutionary tide.
The apocalypse, always bewared of the Church with distrust
for his/her concepts esseno-Zealots, so much to be included
only in the canonical texts in the You century, it is
of the books what shows her/it not historical existence
of Jesus more than every other.
In both the editions, both in that of 68 as in that
of 95, all is ignored some life of Christ and his/her
death. The Messiah of the apocalypse still resides in
sky, near the throne of God, and when in one chapter
of his (XII) he speaks of his/her birth him you/he/she
makes him conceive from the constellation of the Virgo
to the origin of the times and, always remaining in
the world of the astrology, the Messiah of the apocalypse
is represented in sky under the form of the Aries, first
sign of the zodiac that the destinies of the world command,
to which you/he/she is symbolically associated the biblical
Easter lamb of the exodus. comes down her of the Messiah,
that will realize him, according to the visions brought
by the book of the Maccabeis, in the person of a victorious
commander on a white horse to the sound of trumpets,
announced as neighbor, you/he/she doesn't have nothing
to do with the Passion of Christ you/he/she declares
happened in 33: away from to die in cross, he will exterminate
the enemies to sit on a throne that will last thousand
years. The Church tries to give to this image of the
thousand years, as you/he/she is told by the C.E.I the
introductory footstep above brought, the symbolic value
of a message of hope in the final victory of the Christ
on the powers of the evil, but all it takes is reading
well the apocalypse to make I count us that the destruction
in Rome, symbol of the corruption, is announced as a
real fact and not as a prophecy.
“The Messiah attended in the apocalypse is the
“the man's Child” of the vision of Daniel.
Away from to die in cross, he is he who it will establish
the Jewish empire on the ruins in Rome that are not
procrastinated to an epoch distant and future, but anticipated
so imminent from every other interpretation to make
absurd. And the author, that this message has taken
back in 95, doesn't contradict at all attends him expressed
by the 68 edition making to finish the work on this
promise from the Messiah,: << You. I will come
soon >>, to which the author answering: <<
you Come, Mr., you come! >>, it shows to ignore
that he has already come under another form”.
(Guy Fau. op. cit. pag. 60).
he/she is seen, the apocalypse is not that a further
test confermante that in the first century, at least
up to 95, away from every form of incarnation, the Christ
is still represented in the form of dreams and of visions.
<< The apocalypse is not the expression of a solo
book, but of different, of many. Not nevertheless unions
of various fragments, as for addition of different books
as Enoch, but rather of an alone book, formed by different
stratifications as those of various civilizations when
you are dug to the fund of an ancient city. After a
first rielaborazione of a Jewish writer of Apocalypses,
and after other additions, it had his/her definitive
version to work of Giovanni, the Christian Jew, and
after these historical seasons the book was still rehandled
and correct, with additions and ancellature, from publishers
that they wanted that the work became Christian.
We stay perplexed however, since if Giovanni finished
AD his/her Apocalypse in 96, you/he/she is strange indeed
that him nothing knew about the legend of Jesus, that
nothing had assimilated some spirit of the Gospel all
preceding moments to his/her text. Strange figure, this
Giovanni of Patmos, whoever he was >>. (D. H.
Lawrens - Apocalypse - Tasc. Newton, pag. 38).
... and still:
<< The apocalypse is a work of war, an ardent
call of the Jews against the detested Roman occupant.
The descent of the Messiah, announced as neighbor, it
doesn't have nothing to do with a passion already lived:
away from to die in cross, the winning Savior is seen
how a sterminatore of enemies before can sit on his/her
thousand year-old terrestrial kingdom. You looks for
today of it stuffed to admit that the images are symbolic,
but the destruction in Rome, remembering that of Babylon,
as reality you/he/she is announced. After the description
of the great massacre, the work, finishing with the
promise that the Savior does to come soon, you/he/she
excludes in the most categorical way that him, the Christ,
has come already. The whole apocalypse ignores some
Christianity; the lamb has not put to death under Husked
but you/he/she is immolated “from the creation
of the world” (XIII-8) according to a rite of
Jewish permanent value and not for a historical fact.
We are at the end of the second halves the first century
and Christ, away from every historical reference, you/he/she
is sustained in the apocalypse, as in the Actions of
the Apostles, exclusively from visions >>. (Guy
Fau. op. cit. pag. 60).
The silence of the apocalypse on every historical reference
of the life of Christ, the most absolute ignorance from
the author on Husked, Caifa, the miracles and that earthquakes
that shook the earth to its death, are the clearest
demonstration that all of this that has been on writing
on Jesus is not but a fable, for junta, also ache told.
As it regards then the 95 dating given from the Church
to the whole apocalypse, we are of forehead to another
historical forgery according to you/he/she has incontestably
shown as Engels confirming the exit of the first edition
a years 68-69.
But before passing to the demonstration of Engels, it
is to make well a breve I recapitulate some facts that
precedettero his/her editing.
The death of Nerone, happened for suicide in the year
68, it threw Rome in a state of such anarchy and disorder
to force the busy legions in the war against the revolutionary
ones to retire himself/herself/themselves in Syria leaving
free field to the army Jewish esseno-Zealot.
The sure Jews to be reached to the final victory, already
being seen himself/herself/itself masters of the empire
and therefore of the world, they discharge in the book
all of their grudge against Rome, Babylon of the corruption,
and against all the enemies of God announcing a program
of hate of revenge and of slaughters.
To Nerone succedette Galba, but under his/her uncertain
kingdom of the be-seven month-old duration between the
June of 68 and the January of 69, even the situation
of breakup of the institution of the State worsened
for a voice that started to circular second which was
given for some that Nerone, declared suicidal, it was
not dead as he believed but how same preparing an army
to regain the throne.
In effects, after the installation of Galba to the throne
in Rome, well soon it made his/her appearance a character
that affirmed to be Nerone and that for a certain time
he/she fought for the power but you/he/she was defeated
>>. (Josif Kryvelev. The Apoalisse. 8)
Made this brief premise, we now read the footstep from
which Engels has drawn the exact date in which the apocalypse
was written: “The angel transported me in spirit
in the desert (you/he/she is the author that he speaks
following his/her vision). Là I saw a woman sat
above a scarlet beast, covered with blasphemous names
with seven heads and ten horns. The woman was mantled
of purple and of scarlet, ornate of gold and of precious
stones and of pearls, you/he/she held in hand a gold
cup, full of the abominations and of the garbage of
his/her prostitution. On the forehead you/he/she had
written a mysterious name: << Babylon the great
one, the mother of the prostitutes and the abominations
of the earth >>. Á. to see taken her/it
from great amazement. But the angel told me: because
you marvel you? I will explain you the mystery of the
woman and the beast that the door, with seven heads
and ten horns. The beast that you have seen, but that
it doesn't exist anymore it will climb from the abyss
but to go to perdition. And the inhabitants of the earth
will surprise to see that the beast that was not and
you/he/she is not anymore, will reappear. The seven
heads are the seven necks on which the woman is sat
and they is also the seven kings. The first five are
fallen (August, Tiberio, Caligola, Claudio, Nerone),
it still stays from there one in life (Galba), the other
has not come yet and when you/he/she will have come,
it will have to remain for little.
When the beast that was and it is not anymore (continuous
to explain the angel), the king that will have to come
even if it shows up as eighth the seventh one he/she
remains, however but it goes to perdition.”
Because the successor of Galba could appear as eighth
even if in reality you/he/she is the seventh one? Because
Nerone, taking back as the throne according to was said,
it appears as a double figure representing an emperor
already enumerated among those fallen.
What Nerone is the seventh head it confirms him/it the
same author of the apocalypse when, reporting himself/herself/itself
to his/her presumed suicide, so he/she writes: <<
One of the seven heads seemed stricken to death, but
its deadly sore was recovered >>. (Ap.13-3).
A further test confermante that the seventh emperor,
what will happen to Galba, is that is Nerone it still
comes us from the same author of the apocalypse when
it tells us that its name corresponds to the number
666: << Here wisdom is. Who has intelligence you
calculate the number of the beast: it represents a name
of man. it is such figure it is seicentosessantasei
>> (Ap. 13-18).
The interpretation of this number, drawn by Ferdinand
Bernari, teacher Berliner whose lessons were followed
by Engels, according to the Jewish numerical simbologia
it exactly corresponds to “Nerone Imperatore”.
The calculation performed by Ferdinand Bernari finds
confirmation in the same Ireneo, Father of the Church,
that in the book “Against the Heresies”
it points out the emperor Nerone with the number 616.
Because this difference? For the simple fact what Ireneo
made the calculation on the text written in Latin, where
the name Nerone, written in Greek Neron, becomes Black.
The letter N falling, that corresponds to 50 in the
Jewish simbologia, the account and beautiful that done:
666-50 = 616.
if the apocalypse has been written while Galba reigned,
that is in the inclusive period among the fifth emperor
that had been Nerone died suicidal and the seventh emperor,
anticipated in the person of the same Nerone redivivo,
and knowing that Galba has reigned from June of 68 to
January of 69, as a result the apocalypse cannot have
been written who in this period and not in 95 as it
sustains the Church, and not even to have been compiled
by Giovanni the evangelist in the island of Patmos but
from the revolutionary ones in the Judea during the
70 war.
What the Jews were sure of the victory on the Romans
you/he/she is confirmed us by Eleazaro when in the discourse
of Masada, reporting himself/herself/itself to the 70
defeat, it defines her/it one “defeated unexpected”.
(Jewish War. cap.8).
The Church, to justify 95 as given by her assigned to
the apocalypse, so it comments the footstep from which
Engels has drawn his/her conclusion: << Seven
king, reigns that is him of August, Tiberio, Caligola,
Nerone and Domiziano, that you/he/she still existed
to the time of Giovanni. The little time is the time
of the persecution and the seventh empire it is the
hostile dominion to the kingdom of God, identified with
the fair >>. (Note to pag 7 of the Ap. and. CEI).
Practically, also to justify 95 as year when the whole
apocalypse was written, ignoring him emperors Galba,
Urinal and Tito, the Church it makes to make a flight
to the head of the beast number 5 of well 25 years to
put her/it on the shoulders of Domiziano that you/he/she
is considered as the sixth emperor. And the seventh
head? The seventh head gets her/it transforming the
redivivo Nerone in “a hostile Empire to the kingdom
of God” that incoherently you/he/she is identified
with the whole beast.
Because the Church insists to attribute the 95 date
to the apocalypse? The answer is simple: if it recognized
that you/he/she has been written in 68, the whole second
part regarding Jesus, that is the 4 assistant chapters,
a forgery would result for too evidently the existing
anachronism among the express concepts in the “Regard
in the seven churches” in the caps. 1 -2 -3, what
that of the Nicolaidis, that didn't exist in 68 yet.
For which, not could backdate the 95 apocalypse to 68,
posdata it has him all to 95.
But could thing change in what after all, it concerns
the historical existence of Jesus even if had the apocalypse
been written all in 95, from the moment that it excludes
in his whole in the most categorical way every reference
to one terrestrial life of his?
The apocalypse is a work of war that repeats in the
way most faithful the program of extermination in Rome
exposed by the esseno-Zealots in the “Roll of
the War” found again in the excavations of Qumran
in 1947. It ignores in the way most absolute all of
this that has been attributed to Christ. It ignores
Husked, the crucifixion, the miracles, the resurrezione,
the apostles. It, disowning all the other sacred books
that refer to the Christianity, over that it has to
show his/her nature Jew-essena, confirmation that the
Gospel, the Actions of the apostles and the letters
that the Church affirms to be her contemporary, are
not been written in the first century but in dates,
as we will see, very more late.
The Messiah of the apocalypse is a commander sterminatore
of enemies that will have to establish a Jewish kingdom
that will last thousand years. Distant from every symbolic
form attributed her from the Church what announcer of
a victory of Christ on the powers of the evil procrastinated
at the end of the times, the apocalypse speaks to the
clearest way of the destruction of the enemies of God
in a way so neighbor and reality to consider her/it
as if you/he/she had already completed.
How can you/he/she be pretended that the apocalypse
sustains the historical existence of Jesus when, soliciting
its descent of it from the sky, does it deny her/it
in the most absolute way? (Ap. 22,10).
The apocalypse is a book of war, an ardent appeal to
the struggle against the Roman occupant, a book of hate
and revenge that excludes every meaning of love and
peace that is wanted to attribute to the ethic preached
by Christ.
The Messiah attended in the apocalypse is the “the
man's Child” of Daniel. Extraneous to every death
of cross, he is destined to establish the Jewish empire
on the ruins in Rome.
a comparison among the two works that the Church attributes
Giovanni to the apostle, we cannot draw that a further
confirmation of the historical nonexistence of Jesus
from the moment that the one excludes the other if we
consider that in the apocalypse the Christ still has
to come down while in the IV Gospel is sustained incarnate,
been born by a terrestrial woman that doesn't have nothing
to do with the constellation of the Virgo.
If to this point me it made him observe, as you/he/she
is already happened, that the apocalypse confirms the
existence of Jesus in the first century because it brings
its name three times (you/they have counted her), well
I am not able whether to answer that even if the times
had been fifty or one hundred, apart the fact that nothing
could change in front of the brought tests, the name
of Jesus was largely used by the Essentis in the biblical
meaning of Jeosua (Giosué) that it means “he
who salute “that it clearly refers to the “Teacher
of Justice” attended by the Essenis.
In fact Jesus's name we find him/it in his/her meaning
of humanization that has given him Mother Church, for
the first time in the “Talked Truthful “written
by Celso in 180 through the confutation that of it ago
Origene bringing the footstep of it: << The one
to which you have given the name of Jesus Cristo in
reality was not but the head of a gang of brigands whose
miracles that attribute him they were not that demonstrations
operated according to the magic and the esoteric makeups.
Truth is that all these claimed facts are not that of
the myths without that yourselves have manufactured
therefore to succeed in giving a shade of credibility
to your lies. It is known to everybody that what has
written it is the result of continuous rehashes following
the criticisms that were brought >>. (Celso. Talked
In this diatribe between Celso and Origene, that that
interests still, besides the accusation moved against
the Christians to have given the name of Jesus to the
head of a proclamations Brigands, it is the fact that
Origene in it didn't defend the historical existence
of Jesus but only the fact that he was associated to
a head of brigands, from the moment that him what gnostic
it sustained only it in his/her realization of preacher
that had developed his/her mission picking only up some
man the appearances, from how much you/he/she is confirmed
us by the Patriarch Fozio that gives us for some that
S.Clemente and his/her disciple Origenes died in 254,
deny the incarnation of Christ and accordingly his/her
historical figure of man: << The Patriarch Fozio,
lived in the IX century (827 - 97), when by now the
Church it had his/her dogmas and him you/he/she could
not follow that liberty of study and expression that
we find in the books of Christian matrix of the II and
III century anymore, speaking of the book of the disputes
of S. Clemente (160-220), he/she affirms that s. Clemete
had sustained that the Logos was never embodied (Pag.
286, in Ganeval, cap. II and III); and speaking of the
four books on the “Principles” of Origene,
it makes us know that Origene spoke of the “Cresto”
- as him he/she called him/it - according to the fable
and that as for the Savior's incarnation, him opinava
that the same spirit (puff) that you/he/she had animated
him/it it was the same that was in Mosè the other
prophets and apostles,; whence to well reason, Fozio
of the IX century, what defender of the incarnation
according to the dogmas by now established and imposed,
it scandalizes declaring that Origene wrote a lot of
swearwords >> (Boxwoods. op. cit.pag. 39 - from
Ganeval. capp.II and III).
To this point it doesn't stay us whether to add other
examples similar to the precedent to show how much the
Christianity that the Church affirms to be constituted
him in the thirties, that is after the death of Christ,
in reality he/she still groped at the end of the II
and for everything that you/they deny in the most categorical
way the incarnation of Christ:
1) S. Giustino martyr in 160, to contradict Celso that
affirmed the existence of Jesus but only as head brigand,
wrote: << if Jesus was born, and if you/he/she
was born in some place, he is completely unknown however
>> (Dialogue with Trifone - Dide. “The End
of the Religions” - pag.171).
3) Papia, bishop of Gerapoli, author of an exegesis
on the mottos of the Lord, lived in the full one of
the II century, missing of historical references on
the life of Jesus, you/he/she sustains the existence
of it quoting the footsteps of a Gospel spiritualist
esseno-Egyptian (therapist).
4) S. Ireneo, bishop of Lione from 177, affirms that
the Christian God is neither man nor woman.
5) S. Giustino, Christian writer, author of two apologies
of the Christianity, dead to Rome in 165, speaking of
Christ affirms that it is an emanation of God that happens
as the projection of the rays of the sun. (Gnostic Concetto
that excludes every relationship between the divinity
and the subject).
6) << all the seven existing gnostics in the centuries
The, II and III., what the Marcionitis, the Valentinianis,
the Basilidianis, the Nicolaidis and so many other deny
the incarnation of Jesus affirming, according to as
you/he/she has said S. Epifane, that he is the Gold
reconstruction, the child of the Egyptian Trinità,
become then Serapide.
To these seven, quoted by Ganeval, which denied that
the Verb was made meat, you/he/she must be added and
especially signalled that of the Docetis, negatori of
the historicity of Christ, to disprove which, according
to El Salvador (Jesus Cristo and its doctrine - lib.II,
cap.II), the fourth Gospel adds the hit of lance that
makes to go out water and blood of the body of Christ
to try its human nature to the Passion how much they
denied her/it. Conclusive for the negation of the umanizzazzione
of Jesus it is the fact that the docetis are contemporary
of the apostles, to say of S. Girolamo >> (Boxwoods.
Jesus Cristo has never existed. And. The Torch. pag.40).
The historical figure of Christ that everybody, practically
included the Saints and the Christian esegetis they
refused to recognize, if you/he/she has been recognized
such you/he/she has not depended on a documentation
equipped of tests but on the contrary from an imposition
of falsehood and imitations sustained by the most atrocious
tortures and by the fire.
<< If the Jesus of the Christians were really
existed, you/he/she would not have been needed to falsify
the history to try him/it >>. (Boxwoods, lawyer.
op. cit. pag.16).
of Domiziano.
According to what it says S. Eusebio, the emperor Domiziano
(81-96), having felt to speak of the Christians, you/he/she
would have made to come to Rome from Palestine of the
relatives of the Lord, descending of the stock of David,
to question them on the Christ of which you/he/she had
felt to speak. The people, ignoring apostles, passion
and death, they answered him that “the kingdom
of Christ not being of this world and of this earth,
but celestial and angelic, you/he/she would be realized
at the end of the times.”
Domiziano, always according to S.Eusebio, reassured
by the pacifism that you/they had shown these good people,
it postponed them in the Judea (wishing him a good trip.
This fact than for if already deprived of logic for
the simple motive that Domiziano if you/he/she had wanted
to inquire himself/herself/themselves on the Christ
and on his/her followers you/he/she would have had systems
more imperial than that to summon some Jews to Rome,
as it for example did after him Adriano that asked information
to Plinio the Young attorney of the Bitinia, it is not
that another example of the attempts served as the Church
to show the historical existence of the Christians in
the first century through the falsification of the documents.
If there had been really of the Christians in Rome,
with so much of bishops successors of S. Pietro (dead
to Rome in 63), as S. Anacleto (76-88) and S. Clemente
(88-97), because Domiziano would have had to make to
come some Christians from Palestine to inform himself/herself/themselves
about their religion? How can the Church justify the
contradiction among a Domiziano that questions some
Christians that it doesn't know and that for junta they
result entirely him after the questioning of the pacific
followers of a spiritual religion, and a Domiziano that
at the same time you/he/she is introduced us as a persecutore
of the same ones? How would it be able Domiziano (51-96)
to ignore the Christians when in 68 they were accused
of the fire in Rome? It is clear that this whole existing
confusion in the ecclesiastical history depends on the
necessity that the Church has had for being able him
to replace with that essenis pacifists that sustained
the Christ of an angelic and celestial kingdom.
to the Hebrews and letter of Plinio the Young one
included by now the same Church, they recognize that
the Letter to the Hebrews has not been written by Paul
of Tarsus. The author is discussed among those people
that attribute him to the Alexandrine school (Therapists)
and those that defend the thesis of Tertulliano according
to which to write would have been her/it a certain contemporary
Barnaba of Paul of Tarsus.
Except some apparent interpolation openly, even if one
are considered of the most ancient documents because
in it they are made allusions to the ceremonies celebrated
in the Temple in Jerusalem that will be destroyed from
Tito in 70, in it there is not any reference to a terrestrial
life of Jesus. The Christ of the Letter to the Hebrews
is an abstract character assimilated to Melchisedec,
character of the genesis that is declared “without
father, without mother, without genealogy and that you/he/she
has not had neither principle, neither end.”
The Christ of the Letter to the Hebrews is a to be supernatural
and not a man that lives on the earth.
<< The Letter to the Hebrews, doesn't absolutely
say anything of the relatives of Christ, of its brothers,
of its disciples, of the holy women, nothing of its
relationships with the people, the fariseis, the Romans;
Nothing of his/her arrest, of his/her trial and of his/her
crucifixion. The Christ is not set in a sanctuary built
by the men, but in the sky and you/he/she has replaced
his/her blood with that of the sacrificed animals. The
cross is named only in two insertions (6-4/8, 12-162)
but evidently additions in a second time as it results
from the contradiction that they expresses toward the
rest of the text. In conclusion, inspiring himself/herself/itself
it to a celestial Christ essentially, the letter to
the Hebrews is him to consider a document as the apocalypse,
against every historicity of the life of Jesus >>
(J.K. Watson - Letter to the Hebrews - notebook of the
Circle Renan, 4° trims. 1965).
of Plinio the Young one to the emperor Traiano.
Among the various documents that the Church brings as
it tries for disproving those people whom sustain that
Christians didn't exist before 150, there is a letter
that Plinio the Youth he/she wrote in 110, what Roman
attorney in Bitinia, to the emperor Traiano to ask him
as it had to behave him toward the followers of one
certain “superstition” that you/they were
called Christians.
<< It is for me duty, or Mr., to put again in
your opinion all the matters regarding which am uncertain.
Who, in fact, better of you you/he/she can direct my
hesitancy or to instruct my incompetence? I have never
taken part to inquiries to load of the Christians; insofar
I don't know up to that point is accustomed to punish
them or to investigate them. I have a great deal also
doubted if I/you/he/she am had to keep in mind of their
age; if also the little boys have to be essays as the
men in their full vigor; if it is had to grant grace
following the repentance, or if to he who is Christian
however you don't benefit at all the possession stopped
being him/it; if is also goes punished exempted by guilts,
or it is had to consider only a guilt the possession
this name.
In the meantime, with those people who were delivered
me what Christians, have followed this procedure: if
after having asked them if they were Christian they
confessed to be him/it, I questioned them a second time
and a third time threatening them of capital punishment.
Those that persevered I have sent them to death holding
to have to their pertinacia and their stubborn stubbornness
to be punished. There were other affections of it from
the same folly, for which, since they were city Romans,
I ordered that you/they were postponed in Rome. Well
soon, since they grew the incriminations, as it happens
to treating such matters, different cases happened ahead
You/he/she was put an anonymous book that contained
different names circulating.
Those people who denied to be Christian, or to be is
him/it, I held to owe to release them, when, after having
repeated how much I formulated, they invoked the gods
and they revered your image, that I had made to bring
together to this purpose other simulacri of the numis,
and when they cursed against Christ, thing that is said
both impossible to get him from those people who are
really Christian. Others, reported by an informer, they
said to be Christian, but later they denied immediately
it; you/they had been him/it, but you/they had stopped
being him/it, who from three years, who from many years
before, some even from twenty years. Also all the people
revered your image and the simulacris of the gods and
they cursed Christ. They affirmed besides that all of
their guilt or error it consisted in the usual being
to reunite himself/herself/themselves before the dawn
and to tune up a hymn to alternate choirs to Christ
as if it were a god (almost god) and to force him with
oath not to perpetrate some crime, not to commit thefts,
neither frauds, neither adulterers, to the word not
to miss dates and not to refuse the restitution of deposit,
if you/they had been in demand of it. Fact this they
had the custom to retire himself/herself/themselves
and to again reunite then himself/herself/themselves
to take the food, to every common and innocent way,
thing that you/they stopped doing after my edict with
which, according to your dispositions, I had prohibited
the existence of associations. For this I still held
more necessary than to question two handmaids that ministres
were said, to know what fund of truth there was, also
resorting to the torture. I have not found out null'altro
of a foolish and unrestrained superstition.
Therefore, postponed the inquiry, I have hastened to
ask your opinion. It seemed me in fact thing worthy
of consultation, above all for the number of those people
that I/you/they have involved in this threat; a lot
of people of every age, social class and of both sexes,
are dragged, and still they will be him/it in this danger.
Not only the city, but also the suburbs and the countries
are pervaded by the contagion of this superstition;
I believe however that can still be stopped and course
in the normalcy >>. (Epistle X, 96, 1-9).
Even if there would be no more need of further comments
to show that the Christians to which it refers Plinio
the Youth were the Essenis of which you/they speak Joseph
Flavio, Seam and the documents of Qumran (Book of the
Rules), we make to observe however, as further confirmations,
the followings footsteps contained in the letter:
1) women's presence in the religious charges as ministre
that, inadmissible in a Christian environment for the
interdiction to the celebration of the cults that the
Church always has reserved to the female sex, that still
came preserved near the communities Jew-essene for that
respect that you/they brought to the laws of their fathers:
<< When a man or a woman it will make special
vow, the vote of nazireato to devote himself/herself/themselves
to the Lord, will abstain him from the wine and from
the intoxicating drinks... >>. (Nm. 6 -
2) << the expression according to which the people
beg their Christ “as if it were a god”,
it is not able whether to refer to the Logos of Seam
that an is considered to be intermediary between god
and the men, inferior to God, because created, but occupying
in the creation a place of prominence that, investing
him/it of some divine attributes, it makes him/it a
“almost god” >>. (Guy Fau. pag. 235).
3) the name of Christians with which this sect of dolts
was pointed out and of unrestrained if you/they were
not given him theirs which followers of Christ, but
on the contrary you/he/she had been attributed him from
others and with a sense dispregiativo as it sustains
Ambrogio Donini in “History of the Cristainesimo”
Edt. Teti - pag. 29: << The name of Christians
was born in an environment not palestinese and you/he/she
was used in sense of ironic contempt (him “greasy”,
him “impomatati”) to distinguish the Hebrews
of the Synagogue (orthodox) from the new converts, considered
strange people, from the long hair, some as our beatniks
4) << Christians' appellative combined to a sect
of superstition, given by Plinio the Young one to the
communities of the Bitinia, we already find him/it in
Tacit when it refers to their expulsions happened under
August and under Tiberio already many years before the
presumed death of Jesus Cristo.
It is not a game of words the to say that the Christianity
esistette in the form of superstition Jewish-Christian
before Jesus was born and the Church did really this
name replacing himself/herself/itself with the essenis
>>. (E. Bossi. Jesus Cristo has never existed.
Pag. 36).
Another testimony historical demonstrator that the Christians
of Mother Church they didn't exist in the first halves
the II century yet, it comes us from the same emperor
Adriano, which gone to Alexandria the year 131, it said
that “the God of the Christians was Serapide and
that the devotees of Serapide were those that were said
“the Christians' bishops”. (Boxwoods. op.cit.
* Bishop, from the Greek “epuscopus” (head
of religious community), you/he/she is passed only in
the hierarchy ecclesiastical Christian after his/her
constitution, that is in the second halves the II century,
so much that the first bishop of Rome, recognized by
the history, you/he/she has been Eleuterio of Nicopoli
of the Epiro (175-189).