Atheism attacks Christianity in a lawsuit against its ministers for the abuse of popular credulity and the substitution of person. It is the first time in the history of mankind that a religion is prosecuted directly in a law case that will end with a verdict regarding specific and defined crimes.

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Francis Sgambelluri


Il ritorno di Gesù




Storia del cristianesimo


Ci stanno massacrando




No Good


La Libre penseè




Yeshua figli di Giuda


I dubbi stanno per assalirti


Athees ille et vilaine


The Christ Conspiracy

Bruno Courcelle


Union des Athess



Federazione Pagana

Stregoneria Pagana



Thanks to a perfect bank and post service, the first edition of The Fable of Christ has been outsold also due to an excellent carrying out of the consignment

© Luigi Cascioli