Atheism attacks Christianity in a lawsuit against its ministers for the abuse of popular credulity and the substitution of person. It is the first time in the history of mankind that a religion is prosecuted directly in a law case that will end with a verdict regarding specific and defined crimes.

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The Atheism of Luigi Cascioli

You are connected with the most courageous atheist of all times: Luigi Cascioli.

ATHEISM attacks CHRISTIANITY in a lawsuit against JESUS CHRIST and the Catholic Church.
Luigi Cascioli, by bringing a lawsuit with a formal denunciation-action filed at a civil court so that the non-existence of one of the three people of the Trinity, i.e., Jesus Christ is acknowledged, carries out the first lawsuit against God. He does not resort to purely theoretical reasoning as was done in the past, but shows evidence, which taken from history, is evident and therefore irrefutable.
The book, THE FABLE OF CHRIST, after having carefully demonstrated the NON-existence of Jesus Christ, ends with a denunciation against the ministers of the Church so that, following a court sentence, the great fraud of Christianity will be banned from society.
The absurdity of the Trinity, which theology had managed up until now to support by evading reason and good sense with that subterfuge called mystery, is confirmed in all its utopia and eccentricity by the book, THE FABLE OF CHRIST, through incontrovertible historical documentation showing the non-existence of its second person: Jesus.

After having read THE FABLE OF CHRIST, many people have affirmed that this book, by destroying the figure of Christ, besides determining the end of Christianity, will also cause the other two monotheist religions (Judaism and Islam) and all the other religions, based on similar irrational fairy-tales, to totter.
Only by nullifying reason can one impose a morality (false morality) based on truths that are not demonstrable (dogmas) which are to be considered purely abstract and utopian. One example out of many is the one regarding the existence of a life after death which as a result of God's judgement can mean an eternity of happiness or suffering for every man.
Who is God?
"God is the most perfect creator and lord of the heavens and the earth," believers reply, "He is the one who made everything from nothing and from which all things proceed. He is eternal, infinitely good, omniscient and omnipotent."

"These are all incoherent and contradictory affirmations," reply the atheists, who are only just confirming that a similar being can only be a construction supported by superstition and ignorance.

EPICURUS: Evil exists, therefore either God knows it exists or he doesn't know it exists.

1) God knows that evil exists, he can destroy it but he doesn't want to... such a God would be cruel and perverse, therefore inadmissible.
2) God knows that evil exists, he wants to destroy it but he can't...such a God would be impotent, therefore inadmissible.
3) God does not know that evil exists...such a God would be blind and ignorant, therefore inadmissible.

LUCRETIUS, who continued Epicurus' work, in his "De Rerum Natura" destroys every concept of divinity by writing: "The principle that we can place over all others is that nothing is born from nothing for a divine power (ex nihilo nihil). The fear that currently dominates all mortals and makes them slaves to the religions depends on the fact that they see things occur on earth that they do not understand and so they attribute them to divine power. It is only following the conviction that brings us to affirm that nothing can be created from nothing that we can discover the object of our research whose result will demonstrate how everything occurs without the intervention of God".

"God is the name which from the beginning of time man has given to his ignorance." (Max Nordeau)
"It is absurd to admit the existence of a creator since it is impossible not only to demonstrate but also to imagine that nothing transforms itself into something and that something transforms itself into nothing." (Enciclopeda Anarchica).
"Nothing is created and nothing is destroyed but everything is transformed." affirmed Lavoisier demonstrating it scientifically.

The number of religions that each support their own God whom they declare to be the only true one compared to all others whom they consider to be false, led Dr. Carret to this conclusion: "The matter can be put like this: either God wanted to let himself be known by man or he didn't want to be. If he wanted man to know him and he didn't succeed this can only demonstrate that he is impotent; an impotent God is inadmissible. If God didn't want to be known then all religions are false. If God didn't want either one, then we have to conclude that God does not exist".
To demonstrate that Christianity is a false religion it is enough just to report what St. Augustine wrote in 350 when it was considered heresy to affirm that the earth was round: "If it could be shown that the earth is round, then Catholicism would be shown to be a mistake".
The concept of a perfect God is already in itself the demonstration of the non-existence of a God creator. The word perfect, in its meaning of absolute completeness, excludes a God who had the desire and the need to give himself, through creation, something that he lacked.
For however much one tries to make God metaphysical by placing him in a transcendental world outside of matter, God, being a product of man, of his ignorance, his superstition, his interests and egoism, cannot help being, as he really is, a being composed of the worst human defects. Just read the Bible to realize how much God is an anthropomorphic being.
The God of the Bible is irascible, envious, proud, vain, authoritarian... a true criminal who encompasses the worst side of man.

In order to construct a perfect, omnipotent, and omniscient God, man has transferred onto God everything that really belongs to mankind. The result of this is that Heaven has become rich with the goods of an earth so sacked and impoverished that man is forced to resort to the supernatural (God). This God will give man what he needs through revelations that he grants only, by sheer coincidence, to his ministers such as priests, witch doctors, fortune tellers, etc. who by declaring themselves intermediaries, subjugate mankind which has been rendered foolish by brainwashing.
All men, intellectually alienated by these self-proclaimed mediators who put themselves between matter and transcendence under the threat of divine punishment, owe everything to God and the occult forces in absolute obedience. The coercion to blindly obey laws that come from a metaphysical world, an abstract and utopian world, by requiring the abdication of reason and human justice, the denial of liberty, evolution, and social emancipation, can have no other purpose but that of reducing man to a theoretical and practical slavery. This leads us to conclude without fear of being proven wrong, that where God exists, man is a slave and where man is free God cannot exist.

The American bishop Brown (condemned by the Church twice for heresy), by denying any creationist concept and therefore a transcendental God, wrote: "My God is a trinity where matter is the Father, the force that moves it the Son and the law which regulates it the Holy Spirit. God is the union of Nature with mankind which works to build the happiest possible society". Prosper Alfaric, former professor of theology in great French seminaries, converting to atheism, concluded at the Sorbonne in a conference intended to demonstrate the absurdity of a creator and legislator God: "If atheists repudiate traditional faith it is not only because this faith is in contrast with the affirmations of believers themselves, with reason that denies the idea of God, but because they have understood that false dogmas go against true morality, against the social demands of the world we live in. The belief in God is not only a simple illusion, a purely theoretical error. It misrepresents the practical direction of life by orienting it in a chimerical direction. It goes against the social realty, against the essential needs of mankind which are the primary motor and the ultimate goal of every morality".



Thanks to a perfect bank and post service, the first edition of The Fable of Christ has been outsold also due to an excellent carrying out of the consignment

© Luigi Cascioli