and nudism came from the reaction to taboos imposed
by repressive and obscurant laws, and are evident proof
of mankind’s need to live according to a moral
code based on common sense and reason. To propose a
doctrine that allows mankind to enjoy the benefits of
nature peacefully in “reasonable well-being”
(Epicurus), represents the secular balance that frees
man from the hatred generated by the conflict of the
two eternal antagonists, good and evil, the former represented
by a repressive and chastising God – the Christian
God, and the latter by Satan – a permissive and
licentious God. Two extremes that, by placing the body
as the object of their contrast (one humiliates and
chastises it, considering it an obstacle in the search
for spiritual perfection and the other exalts it as
the only source of pleasure) can only cause pain, regression
and anxiety.
are really only a gaudy realisation of Zaratustrian
cosmic dualism that determines the conflict between
light and darkness, which Christianity still continues
to support in its most primitive form through magic
rituals, with its priest-sorcerers busy in the farce
of drawing signs in mid-air and sprinkling holy water
in order to exorcise someone or hurl curses at their
antagonists, the angels of darkness, who at the same
time hurl insults and curses back at them during their
Satanic ceremonies.These Satanic ceremonies, called
black masses, are only the revolt of nature against
a god who by hindering the enjoyment of the pleasures
that he himself created, proves to be wicked, cynical
and illogical.
If Satanists celebrate their rituals by imitating Christian
ones, they do so in order to express the hatred and
resentment they feel towards a religion based on the
repression of the senses, whose morality they consider
an enemy of mankind and therefore only worthy of profanation
and contempt; they spit on the hosts, they desecrate
the images of the saints and the Madonna with the most
obscene acts, they urinate in the goblets, they burn
slippers and excrement instead of incense, they chant
funeral songs to stimulate their lust and use the crucifix
as a means of vaginal masturbation and even if it may
seem incredible, those who were present reported that
these collective orgies were mostly held in monasteries
and convents.
white and black masses are only the repetition of those
“magic” rituals that were performed in the
pagan “cults of mystery” so that all present
could take part through the communion of the senses
and end up in a collective orgy. (Baccanali). (FAVOLA
DI CRISTO – web site:
From the confession of a Satanist: “ With preparatory
chanting and sounds that accompany the dancing of half-naked
maidens in front of Satan’s altar, the participants
proceed to have a meal, which in a crescendo of sexual
exaltation, leads to a ceremony where nudity must be
considered a basic rule. The obscene acts and foul language
used against God and all that refers to him, not only
represent rebellion towards the repression of a degenerate
morality, but also the liberation of any hypocritical
restraint that could represent the impediment of the
full participation of the general orgasm, an orgasm
which in completely satisfying even the most unconscious
desires, leaves the participants in such a state of
reconciliation and serenity that it brings them to love
even those who only a few minutes earlier were the object
of hatred and resentment.
In her biography Saint Angela of Foligno confirms the
fact that orgasm generates catharsis after she declared
that she had possessed Jesus in her ecstasy, “not
in a spiritual way through thought, but in such a real,
tangible way that I could feel the participation of
the body”, and she describes the serenity and
tranquillity she felt following orgasms like this: <<During
the ecstasy it was as if I were possessed by an instrument
penetrating me, which withdrew, tearing my flesh…
I was filled with love and incredibly satisfied and
my limbs crushed and broke with desire while I languished,
withered and grew weak… When I eventually came
round from these raptures of love I felt so light and
fulfilled that I could even have loved the demons>>.
is the aim of all religious ceremonies to join the participants
together in the communion of the senses, in fact even
the white masses celebrated by Christians with songs,
sounds, the smell of incense and the glittering of silver
planets and golden reflections of goblets and patens,
ends in a collective orgy of the senses, which has only
a spiritual appearance.
Even if those present all participate in this mystical-sexual
excitement, those who are mainly involved, apart from
the clergy who get nourishment as well as moral justification
for their own depravity, are sexually repressed people
such as eunuchs, spinsters, widows, and especially latent
homosexuals, who are searching for the satisfaction
of their secret desires by breathing in the liturgical
magic wafting in the air during ceremonies, like the
vapours of a drug.
The difference between black mass and white mass is
that while the former ends in the total serenity of
the senses, the latter leaves its followers in a state
of apparent satisfaction that only makes their sexual
desire grow and accentuates the neurosis caused by repression,
leading to pornographic diatribes in the confessional,
to paedophilia on the part of priests, to priapism (erection
of the penis) commonly revealed in the shadows of the
sanctuaries after a day of ceremony and prayer (read
the depositions of the hotel owners in Lourdes), and
above all during ecstasies, when the saints have hysterical
orgasms when mating with the Madonna or Jesus Christ,
according to their sex.
The origins of Satanism
which started in Egypt as an art that was able
to dominate the occult forces of nature through
objects attributed with supernatural properties,
underwent a substantial revolution under the Arab
peoples because, by using the reaction of certain
minerals to achieve practical results in the field
of research, they transformed magic into a real
science that they called Al-kimia (alchemy), where
Al stands for “quid” – a Latin
term meaning “a certain something”,
which had to be discovered in order to get the
desired result, and “kimia” meaning
the entire work necessary to carry out the research.Alchemy
was introduced in Europe between the VIII and
IX centuries by Gnostic people who having failed
in their search for God at a philosophical level,
wanted to get to him through the manipulation
of matter. The concept on which they based their
theory was the following: as there are chemical
procedures able to free minerals from impurity,
there must be a procedure in nature able to give
back to man the same state of purity that Adam
had before committing the original sin. |
this way the spirit was associated with matter, assuming
that the secret would have brought man back to primitive
integrity which could only be found in a substance that
was able to give maximum purity, they started searching
for the “quid” (Al) which would have enabled
them to transform the most common minerals into the
most precious of metals – gold, through distillation,
sublimation and crystallisation that they succeeded
in doing by mixing acetate, sulphate and every type
of acid and above all aqua regis that, being the only
element able to corrode gold, assumed a prominent role
in the search for God.
the much sought-after substance had to have, in order
to purify the soul, a chemical power as well as a theological
value, it was called “Filosofale” meaning
“philosopher’s” (Philosopher’s
The belief that brought the Gnostic alchemists to sustain
that you could find the essence “quid” through
chemical procedures, a theory which would only make
people of good sense and reason laugh, was justified
in the “Logos” (Jesus) who, by becoming
flesh and bones, had accomplished the union, that is
to say the fusion, between a transcendental divine world
and the human world made of corruptible matter…(It
was from this analogy placed between the Philosopher’s
stone and Jesus that the church got the pretext to persecute
the alchemists as heretics and burn them at the stake,
when the Church realised in the XV century that it would
give rise to theological contest).
a consequence, alchemy, which had lost the value the
Arabs had given to it by elevating it to an exact science
based on research and reason, now acquired a theological
nature and was once again relegated to the world of
magic, a religious magic which according to the convention
that white is the symbol of good, was called “white
magic” by the same delirious mystics who created
These philosopher-alchemists were certain that such
a complex and elaborated magic could not be understood
and therefore would not be followed by the masses that
were necessary if it were to be imposed as a religious
doctrine and they did not want to make the same mistake
as the Gnostics in the II century who were isolated
for the abstruseness of their reasoning, and so the
alchemists decided to associate it to popular customs
that used minerals, herbs and roots to cure illness
and ease pain just like the Lombardic chefs who substituted
the gold-dust, used by the rich to make Milanese risotto
in the original recipe, with saffron, in order to make
it accessible to the people.

stega e dragone - Hans Baldung
how can you attribute the idea of the purification of
the soul, which is a religious concept, to medications
that came from minerals, herbs and roots? Well, the
obstacle was overcome by turning to the eternal principle
used by every worldly credence, that have always needed
to create an infernal world to fight as an antithesis
in order to assume the role of holders of salvation.
If theirs was “white magic” why was their
aim to do well? Only “black magic” could
have been their rival because it used herbs and minerals
to make evil potions that brought pain and death. If
the followers of “white magic” were the
children of God, only the children of Satan could have
been their enemies. The eternal duality of good and
evil was based on this assumption and the concepts of
salvation or damnation were transferred into the magic
potions according to their purpose, they started to
encourage hatred towards the imaginary masters of evil
and they were called witches and wizards. They are remembered
for their repulsive thinness that was changed later
regarding women, in order to maintain that they were
the Devil’s mistresses, and so it was decided
that they were to become attractive and tempting. (2
church, on understanding that this situation of antagonism
between good and evil could be an advantage for imposing
Christianity, whose doctrine was still contrasted by
pagan beliefs and using the alchemists’ plan,
started persecuting all those who refused to accept
its dictates by accusing them of practising black magic.
with the first edicts of conviction in the IX century,
the witch-hunt started. This meant the burning of people
at the stake, hangings and decapitations, which enabled
the Church to impose the immorality of its doctrine
on people by terrorising them; a reign of terror that
lasted more than eight hundred years. (The last stake
was lit in Poznen - Germany - in 1793).
The first victims, even if they were only excommunicated,
were the Waldensians who were accused of practising
witchcraft as followers of Satan (council of Verona
1184) just because they preached the poverty of Christ
in opposition to the greed of the clergy.

di Galilei |
true persecution began in 1300 when the church
started using witchcraft to eliminate the heretics,
that is to say the protesters who opposed the
church’s corruption, its ignorance and its
absurd theological theories, among which the one
regarding the Holy Trinity. Giordano Bruno, who
was condemned to death under the accusation of
witchcraft, is one of the most outstanding examples
of this persecution. |
created by the alchemists and used by the Church
as a means to impose its hegemony with the horrors
of death sentences preceded by the cruellest tortures,
became a reality to be believed and supported
by most of the clergy and the upper classes who
both started attending and celebrating the black
mass and the “Saba” that ended in
the most obscene orgies according to documents
of that time. |
Believing that witchcraft and black magic were practised
by the lower classes means ignoring the truth. In fact
the population who was terrified of persecution, was
only needed in church as a supply of innocent victims.
They were actually forced to confess to sins they never
committed under torture so that their public sacrifice
supplied the presupposition to sustain the existence
of a demon to avoid, unless they wanted to be accused
of being God’s enemies.
could they find witches to stoke the fire of the stake?
How could they eliminate the protesters of dogma and
ecclesiastical corruption? It was a very easy matter:
all that was necessary was an anonymous letter, probably
sent by the clergy, or information from an unknown person
to prosecute a heretic or a follower of black magic
whose existence was indispensable to the Church, in
order to impose white magic, whose rituals were a perfect
imitation of pagan ceremonies and based on holy water
and blessed oil, on the bread of eternal salvation,
on signs traced out in mid-air, on clouds of incense
and anathema against Satan “et aliosque spiritos
the churches the priests made the witches fly their
broomsticks in their homilies while outside the victims
burnt on the stake, the clergy and the nobility organised
their “Saba” and performed their “black
masses” murdering so many new-born babies, according
to police reports, to shock us all considerably.
The prostitution organised by the clergy, the sexual
activity in monasteries and convents, the frequent unrestrained
concubinage of the priests and incest made Rome, the
home of Christianity, a city of bastards. - THE FABLE
( ).
Orgies and witchcraft among the clergy
most corrupt bishops and popes were elected among
the prelates so that the clergy could engage in
obscenity and vice freely. The few clergymen who
opposed its immorality were insulted, defamed
or even murdered with poisoned potions or hosts.
Licentiousness was so rooted in the church to
believe it normal and right to use sex as a source
of income. Claiming to have special relics against
sterility hundreds of monks and priests made large
sums of money by using their sexual attributes
as a commercial means with the women who hurried
to the monasteries to receive grace. |
religious orders that engaged themselves in the miracles
of fecundation were the Franciscans and the Carmelites
who, after having separated men from women, therefore
husbands from their wives because of the principles
imposed by Christian morality, took the women to their
cells, passing through secret passages and doors which
they continued to use until the XVIII century, even
if the council of Paris in 1212 had ordered them to
be sealed.
These monks were as sexually active inside their cells
as they were outside when they left the monasteries
to go as preachers and beggars into the surrounding
countryside, The chronicles of the time reported that
their value as lovers had acquired such prestige that
women lived in the hope that they would come their way.
to modern psychology the causes that brought these monks
to search continually for sexual satisfaction were not
only the most obvious such as continual exercise and
lack of worry, but also the continual itching they suffered
due to the filth that covered their bodies.
reason why the Franciscans and the Carmelites distinguished
themselves in sexual activity compared to the other
orders depended above all on the excessive severity
of their rules that considered even touching the body
to scratch oneself a sin.
That prohibition was the origin of their sexual greed
is proved by the fact that even though it was easy for
them to fuck women of every age and class, they also
practised homosexuality unrestrainedly. The elders imposed
pederasty quite naturally on the novices and always
took a novice with them when they left the monastery.
the many laws the councils made to stop homosexuality
in monasteries and convents there was one which prohibited
sleeping in the same bed and imposed the presence of
night supervisors in the dormitories.
to an established plan, whenever a convent was founded,
one or two or even three monasteries were built beside
it with communicating tunnels, which still exist today.
The sexual relationships between monks and nuns were
made so formal that the monks considered the nuns their
own private property. This still happens today in some
underdeveloped countries).
an inspection of convents ordered by Henry VIII they
found that 60% of the nuns were pregnant. As the danger
of dying after an abortion due to infection or haemorrhage
frightened the nuns, most of them preferred to give
birth to their babies. The new-born babies who survived
were very few because they were strangled unscrupulously
by their own mothers for that tranquillity of conscience
they got from absolution granted to them by “casuistry”
(the book which made it possible for the confessors
to examine every singular case and to establish penitence
according to the wilfulness in committing the sin).
Here are some cases of casuistry in order to comprehend
the basis of Christian morals:
Muslim soldiers were condemned by the church for rape
and sexual assault, Christian soldiers were absolved
because it was considered the women’s fault for
having excited them with their attractiveness.
2) If Satanists put the statue of the Madonna in the
middle of an orgy it was considered a serious sin, whereas
for the clergy and noblemen it was considered a merit
because putting her in direct contact with sin exalted
her virtue.
3) In the book where the Pope’s request for forgiveness
is reported, it says, “One must always consider
that if the church commits crimes it depends on the
fact that it was forced to commit them by the people
who endured them”.
priest who was a chronicler of the time named Barletta
had the chance to visit convents as a preacher and confessor.
He reported that he often heard screams of new-born
babies being suffocated, coming from the toilets, and
a certain Franciscan monk called Maillard wrote: “
If we had good hearing, we would hear the screams of
the babies as they are thrown into toilets and rivers”.
Another deposition regarding the murder of new-born
babies by nuns made by Henri Estienne who was a monk
and confessor, wrote: <<“These crimes are
usual in convents where the nun’s children are
killed by their own mothers who strangle them as soon
as they leave their bodies”>>.
Black masses
The Church collected evidence for trials against innocent
people in the vilest ways, such as anonymous letters
and false declarations, while the clergy and nobility
organised orgies based on macabre rituals called “black
masses”, where children were slaughtered, supplied
by convents or priests’ concubines. During Luis
XIV’s reign thousands of babies were killed. One
priestess alone called Voisin sacrificed more than two
thousand, and Abbott Guilburg, one of the prelates who
held black masses for the French nobility, killed on
average six babies a week for several years. Miss Montespan
also played an active role in the mass by putting her
naked body at their disposal. According to a report
by the chief of the Paris police, Lieutenant La Reynie,
Abbot Guiburg, lacking in children to sacrifice, murdered
his own children on two occasions, born from his innumerable
The ritual proceeded by pouring the infant’s blood
into a goblet which was mixed with the baby’s
liquid and solid secretions until it became a paste
and following a Satanic consecration carried out by
imitating the Eucharistic Christian ritual, it was then
used to cast wicked spells. For example, Miss Montespan
put the paste into Louis XIV food in order to gain his
favour, and just like the Abbot Guilberg, Manette the
Episcopal vicar of Paris, the Abbots, Davot, Sebault,
Lepreux, Le Sage and many others, held black masses,
as we can see from the chronicles of the time and the
numerous police reports.
by the terror so cynically and cruelly transmitted to
the people, the popes immersed themselves so far into
this world of depravity that most of them were actually
bastards born from relationships of other popes with
concubines and prostitutes or from incestuous relationships.
John XII, who became Pope at sixteen, was born from
the incestuous relationship between Pope Sergio III
and his thirteen year old daughter Marozie. John later
became his own mother’s lover, in fact Marozie
was both her father’s (Pope Sergio III) and her
son’s (Pope John XIII) mistress at the same time.
If anyone dared to criticise this immorality they were
burnt at the stake under the accusation of witchcraft
or heresy.
arrived in Europe when America was discovered. Most
of the clergy contracted this disease and many of them
died of it. No clergymen were immune to it including
the popes such as Julius II and Leon X who, as a bastard
was favoured at St. Peter’s and therefore became
a Cardinal at fourteen and was elected Pope at thirty-five,
after having contracted syphilis at twenty-five. Sixtus
IV, who ordered the building of the Sistine chapel,
had syphilis too, but this did not stop him from having
two children from his elder sister. He was bisexual
and such a pederast and sodomite that, according to
the writings of the chancellor D’Infessura , many
clergymen actually became cardinals in return for their
sexual services. (Don’t forget that Michelangelo
was a homosexual).
Pope Sixtus XI organised prostitution by setting up
the brothels that the Church continued to administer
until not long ago, that is until they were closed by
Minister Merlini. There were hundreds of these brothels
set up by the church all over the Christian world. In
fact, they were considered a sure source of income and
so the popes often assigned them the duty to support
the dioceses, whose bishops took sides with the parishes
assigning each one a prostitute who was considered the
Church’s property and had to hand her earnings
over to the priest every fortnight.
Among these brothels, the worst for its perversity and
ostentation of wealth and organisation was certainly
the Vatican, where every night masses of homosexuals
and women dressed as men entered to animate the orgies
of the Rome nobility, who were illegitimately related
to the prelates and also to the Pope himself.
In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries 50% of the
population of Rome were bastards from convents, from
brothels or from the priest’s relationships with
their numerous concubines. (Read THE FABLE OF CHRIST
– ).
Homosexuality among the clergymen
the Franciscans and the Carmelites were famous for being
great lovers of women, the Jesuits were famous for being
pederasts. According to Voltaire, Grécourt, Mirabeau
and other writers and historians of that time, the Jesuits
used to reward scholastic merit by taking the pupils
to bed.
to the historian Benedetto Varchi, the Bishop
of Faenza, Monsignor Cheri died while being sodomized
by Pierluigi Farnese, the illegitimate son of
Paul III. |
By now the debauchery practised among the clergy was
so natural that Leon X legalised it with his code-book
“ Camera Taxe”, which with its 35 articles
granted forgiveness for all crimes, even the most brutal,
by simply paying a fine to the Pontifical treasury.
You only have to look at some of the articles in the
Camera-Taxe in order to realise how Christianity used
immorality as a basis for its imperialism.
Art. 1) A clergyman who commits a carnal sin with his
own sisters, daughters, cousins, nieces, or other women
shall be absolved if he pays 67 libre.
Art. 2) If a clergyman asks for absolution for having
committed sins against nature with a child or an animal
it shall be granted him, if he pays 131 libre.
Art. 5) Priests are permitted to live with their relations
in concubinage if they pay 76 libre.
Art. 9) If a priest kills a layman he shall be absolved
if he pays 15 libre.
Art. 10) If a murderer has killed two or more people
on the same day, he shall pay 15 libre, as if he had
only killed one.
Art. 14) For the murder of a brother, a sister, a father
or a mother, the murderer shall pay 17 libre.
Art. 18) He who wants to be granted absolution for all
the murders he will commit in the future, shall pay
168 libre.
Art. 29) The bastard son of a priest who wants to succeed
his father in religious functions, shall pay 27 libre.
(You can buy the book “La
Camera Taxe”, with imprimatur, directly from the
Vatican in Via del Paradiso 23 – Vatican City).
the clergy and the nobility were arrogantly committing
every type of iniquity, “heretics and witches”
were burnt alive at the stake in order to purify their
souls with fire; the former were accused of refusing
to follow the dictates of the Church and the latter
of mating with the Devil, of flying on broomsticks,
of kissing cats’ bottoms and making magic potions
by mixing snakes’ tongues, toads’ tails
and chicken feathers…
Christianity was based on this morality and it was used
to bestow an invented imposture on an individual, Jesus
Christ, who never existed, as proven in the book, “THE
things have not changed, both the immoral behaviour
and the obscurant principles have remained the same,
therefore presuppositions, such as hindering scientific
research and favouring starvation and ignorance, are
necessary in order to support the immorality of a hegemony
based on utopia and abstractionism of a God who needs
demons, exorcism and magic to exist.
Even if the Church wishes to hide its infamous nature
behind hypocrites and opportunists appealing to the
peace of the people, it has remained unchanged in its
obscurantism, which is congenital to it and to its immorality
capable of any crime. If today it limits itself to exorcism
in order to free demoniacs from Satan, it is only due
to social evolution brought to us by atheist enlightenment.
In fact the Church can no longer resort to the burning
at the stake and the fires that, contrary to what we
may believe, are still smouldering, camouflaged by hypocritical
requests for forgiveness and theatrical invocations
of peace. The constitution of a Catholic association,
which is anxious to light the fires at the stake again
is clear evidence:
“Declaration made by the prefecture of Paris for
the constitution of an association”.
Object: To re-establish the Inquisition, which shall
destroy the documents opposing the Christian doctrine
and impede the propagation of these ideas through other
means, which naturally implies fighting heresy, false
religions and ideologies.
Date of the founding of the association 17/09/1996.
(So be careful not to read “THE FABLE OF CHRIST
( ) otherwise you might find your
name in the black book and the Inquisition could use
you to stoke the fires of future stakes if the Church
regains its power once more).
Celibacy of Priests
A short account of priestly celibacy is necessary in
order to fully understand the hypocrisy on which the
Catholic Church bases its imposture.
378 – The emperor Flavio Graziano declared Damaso,
the bishop of Rome, chief of all bishops of Christianity.
(Damaso was the first pope legally recognised by the
388 – Pope Siricio, Damaso’s successor imposed
celibacy on priests with the penalty of excommunication
for those who refused to practice it.
Celibacy was respected until the Christian world was
forced to elect married civil servants as bishops in
order to oppose the barbarian invasions. As the Church
was obliged to revise and modify its laws due to these
events, it allowed marriage on the condition that the
married couple did not sleep in the same bed. (This
was controlled through confession).
When the barbarian invasions were over the Church brought
back celibacy so severely that they condemned the priests’
concubines and children to slavery. (Council of Toledo
in 633).
The persecution towards married priests was so ferocious
that many were driven to suicide (Council of Toledo
in 683, and most of the others were forced to cheat
the law by employing their mothers and sisters as housemaids,
which resulted in incest and the birth of offspring,
as we can see from the reports of the council of Mayenne
in the year 888: “The main cause for our chastisement
is God’s wrath for all the children born from
priests and their sisters”.
Christian theology comes from pagan concepts such as
the Logos, the Eucharist, the resurrection, dualism
between good and evil, the virginity of the saviour’s
mother (soter), and the rituals, which are a perfect
reproduction of the cults of mystery that were held
in honour of Marduk, Dionysus, Isis, Osiris, Astarte,
and above all Mithra, (THE FABLE OF CHRIST –
) also the celibacy of the priests originates from the
most primitive religions which believed that everything
existing on the Earth, whether it be animal, vegetable
or mineral, had an interior energy (animism).
Starting from this assumption, these beliefs came to
the conclusion that mankind, through the privilege of
birth or acquired merits, had more interior energy than
the other existing things. They attributed this increase
in interior energy to man’s continence, which
they called “Mana”. The more a man remained
sexually pure, the greater his prestigious energy became
and his magical powers depended on this; they enabled
him to invoke the rain, to cure the sick, to assure
victory, and even resurrect the dead. These people who
attributed the power of mediation between mankind and
the divinities on themselves represented the priests
in the religions that followed. The Mana, according
to some beliefs, stayed in the body and soul of the
Holy Man, long after his death, in order to carry out
wonders through influences sent back to us from the
afterlife. This is why the church confirms the sanctity
of its heroes through “post-mortem” miracles.
( One miracle gives bliss, two miracles give sanctity).
Except in very rare cases, women were not allowed to
become ministers and this was because even if they remained
chaste they could not stock up on energy due to the
dissipation of strength during menstruation, which besides
making them lose their charismatic virtue, also made
them impure. As the only time a woman could accumulate
Mana was before menstruation began, the pubertal virgins
were very highly considered as bestowers of favours
and there are cases in history of kings and heroes who
went to bed with them to get energy and recovery from
their positive fluid.
This is the reason why Christianity has great consideration
for the virgin saints.
Many religions followed this animistic conviction and
imposed sexual abstinence on their priests so that they
would acquire supernatural gifts, which would permit
them to elevate themselves above other men to place
themselves between them and God. To make sure they were
absolutely chaste the priests of Cibele, Astarte and
Artemis cut off their penises with knives made of silica.
In the Taoist religion the priests were wiser and refused
any type of eviration. They believed that one loses
strength through ejaculating sperm, but that one can
have orgasms and accumulate Mana as long as the sperm
is withheld. Everything depends on interior energy,
which if withheld goes back into circulation in the
body absorbed by the spinal cord. The benefit of this
auto-fecundation (as they call it) is so great that
it is considered a basic presupposition in order to
arrive at the spiritual perfection necessary to reach
Nirvana. (Everyone should draw their own conclusions
regarding different religions).
said in his apology to Marcus Aurelius regarding the
priests’ auto-castration: << A god who drives
his followers to go against nature can only be mad>>.
Mathew, who edited the first canonical gospel, had a
different opinion and exalted the priests’ castration
in Jesus’ reply to the disciples when they stated
that: as marriage was indissoluble it was not convenient
to marry because a man could not repudiate his wife:
<<Everyone must get married except those who are
allowed not to marry. There are eunuchs who are born
in this way; others who are made eunuchs by other men,
and those who make themselves eunuchs for the Kingdom
of Heaven>>. (Mathew 19-12).
Even if we are not really interested which category
Christ belonged to on this website, but since the Gospels
state that he was not married, this report from the
Gospel of Saint Mathew assumes great importance because
it shows us that Jesus was made priest par excellence
as an example to priests that according to the church
they should all be the same as him in order to carry
out their sacred ministry among mankind.
Jesus’ Mana is among the most powerful that one
can conceive: he gave the blind their sight back, straightened
the limbs of the lame, exorcised the possessed, resuscitated
the dead, performed miracles and healed the sick from
a distance, even if they only touched his toga.
Therefore priests, in order to carry out marvels on
Earth such as: forgiveness of sins, freeing the possessed
from evil spirits and demons, healing with holy oil,
assuring fruitful harvests through rogation and above
all performing the miracle of transforming bread and
wine into the body and blood of Christ, must be similar
to Jesus, especially concerning chastity, which is an
indispensable virtue in order to perform sacerdotal
A priest made impure by marriage, besides not having
the Mana that enables him to perform wonders, would
make Jesus impure too when he joins with him while administering
the sacrament of Eucharist; the sacrament in which he
identifies himself with Christ by saying:<<This
is my body, this is my blood>>. By making Jesus
impure he would negate the Communion of Saints, which
is the basis of the institution of the Church and, just
as the virgin spouse of Christ, requires purity in every
part of the body.
A priest made impure by marriage that is by carnal union
with a woman could never have enough Mana to absolve
sins, to hold mass, to exorcise evil spirits or to carry
out all those functions that make him different to other
men. Even kings and emperors kneel before him to receive
absolution for their sins. The abolition of priests’
celibacy, which makes the priest’s figure useless
by removing the indispensable requirement for priesthood,
which is purity, would mean the end of the Church, which
as an association of Saints gets the pretext to impose
a universal, theocratic imperialism of the energy of
Mana that comes from the guaranteed virginity of the
marriage to Christ, who is the chaste priest par excellence.
( This is how it stands at the moment because in the
future, due to the growing rebellion, the Church will
be forced to allow priests to marry. The problem will
surely be solved once again as it is good at fraud and
swindle and it will change its own laws, as it did in
the fifth century when it allowed marriage as long as
the couple did not sleep in the same bed).
us go over the theological concept regarding celibacy
by reading the words of Saint Paul (a completely imaginary
character as was amply proved in the book “THE
he addresses his followers: <<Everybody knows
that our bodies are parts of Christ; but would you be
willing to join with a prostitute’s body parts>>
I could be asked. <<If a priest always consecrates
the Eucharist in a state of impurity and he transmits
this impurity to Christ with the host, who can this
Christ be if he is so soiled by sacrilegious communions
that are carried out daily by his clergymen who live
in the most infamous depravity? What is the Catholic
Church, this “communion of saints” if in
reality it is only a mixture of filth and sin?
Catholic Church’s law stating that priests cannot
marry because they must remain chaste to carry out their
sacerdotal ministry is simply another trick in order
to support its imposture and it is confirmed by Pope
Pious IV, during the council of Trento: <<Marriage
would make priests loyal to the families they form,
giving them obligations to the home, with a consequent
slackening in their duties regarding the Church>>,
and Cardinal Carpi stated even more clearly: <<If
priests were allowed to marry, they would tend to obey
the state due to social obligations resulting from their
wives and children>>… What has happened
to Christ, purity and virginity?! (THE FABLE OF CHRIST
– ).
Sexuality in today’s church
The fact that the church’s behaviour and attitude
is as scandalous now as it was in the past is confirmed
by several facts, for example the countless orphanages,
all protected and financed by the Vatican for raising
the priests’ children, born in thousands every
year all over the world.
At the Father Superiors’ Congress, held in Rome
in September 2000, Abbess Esther Faugman, after having
deplored the sexual situation in the ecclesiastic world,
said: <<We sisters have a heavy cross to bear
as victims of the sexual abuse and assault that priests
subject us to>>, and she continued by stating
that in undeveloped countries where impudence is encouraged
by the inefficiency of the civil authorities, priests
can shamelessly take advantage of sisters and use convents
as brothels: <<It is quite normal to see a priest
turn up at a convent to ask for a sister with whom he
can satisfy his sexual desires.>>
The same wrongful acts happen in the western world as
in underdeveloped countries. Here too it has become
customary to blackmail nuns or offer special assignments
in exchange for sexual favours: Concession of documents,
assignment of jobs for Monsignors as social workers,
secretaries or housekeepers when really it is only to
camouflage a state of concubinage, as well as the spiritual
and material blackmail that priests use on novices who
are only plagiarised maidens and therefore give themselves
to these dirty cheaters in exchange for the remission
of sins or a little small change.
places where sexual abuse usually take place, Rome being
at the top of the list, are the large centres of Christianity
where religious people flock from all over the world.
The foreign novices are the most popular because, as
they are young and sexually inexperienced they guarantee
the prelates immunity from AIDS, which is widespread
in the monasteries of underdeveloped countries where
the nuns are infected by priests, a highly affected
category of this disease, that has replaced syphilis
in recent years.
This situation is giving the Church a lot of problems
because it is difficult to hide its depravity from the
secular world.
settimanale Gente aprile 2002
The Pope himself tried to avoid a real scandal
by apologising for the sexual abuse committed
by priests on local populations, in an e-mail
he sent to the Episcopal conferences in Australia,
Tahiti, Samoa and Tonga. (Usque tandem, Catilinae,
abuteri patientia nostra?).
Besides the disgust I feel about such insolence,
what really filled me with indignation was the
hypocrisy of the Italian press on hearing the
news. Ignoring any ethnic moral concerns, instead
of considering the fact as a confirmation of the
Church’s immorality, the press preferred
to regard it as a historical event because the
great Pope, the maker of saints and supporter
of war, had sent his first message by e-mail.