Atheism attacks Christianity in a lawsuit against its ministers for the abuse of popular credulity and the substitution of person. It is the first time in the history of mankind that a religion is prosecuted directly in a law case that will end with a verdict regarding specific and defined crimes.

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21 Januray 2002


The undersigned Luigi Cascioli, resident in Roccalvecce (Viterbo), via delle Provice 45/b, as injured party in the above mentioned proceeding


- that on the 13th of September 2002 the undersigned presented to this Office accusation-lawsuit against don Enrico Righi (parish priest of Bagnoregio) for the offences provided and punished by art. 494 and 661 of the Penal Code, enclosing the book “The Fable of Christ”, as a confirmation of his statements;
- That on the 27th of November 2002 the undersigned presented some integrative memories for further clearness of the reasons for the accusation-lawsuit, where it was enclosed, besides the already indicated offences, the existence of the aggravating circumstance of which at art. 61 n.9 of the Penal Code, with 36 pages of explanations enclosed about the event,
Thus premised, the undersigned ex art. 394 C.P.P.


You to promote a probative objection on the following points and for the following reasons.
The probative objection to be accomplished is a valuation that is aimed to demonstrate if the figure of Jesus Christ, as diffused by the catholic faith, has a real basis and adherence to historical data or not.
The valuation is determining for the existence of the offences because, if the valuation ascertained the historical nature of such a figure there would not be any offence, while if the figure of Jesus Christ was a mere theological creation without any historical confrontation, then there would be no doubt a basic falseness that, integrated with the opportune psychological element that certainly exists, as better explained in the accusation-lawsuit, it would determine the existence of the mentioned offences in the above mentioned accusation-lawsuit.
Therefore in this case, the requirements provided by art. 393 I sub- section C.P.P. are the following: a) accomplishment of a valuation aimed at determining the historical or fantastic (theological) nature of Jesus Christ, which constitutes a logic prius for the existence of the offences for which the proceeding is asked; b)the evidence is to be assumed against don Enrico Righi; c) the evidence cannot be delayed to the trial because it would provide a suspension superior to 60 days and, so, one goes back to the field of application of art, 392 II sub-section C.P.P.
This last statement is justified by the fact that the expert will have to examine carefully all the original and contemporary sources of the time of the presumed life of Jesus Christ and, where possible, in their original language of writing and not in translations that may betray the primeval meaning of the words used; besides the experts will have to verify (inside the primary sources) if there are or not passages interpolated by subsequent copyists often of christian faith and thus ideologically brought to model the text according to their beliefs; finally the research of the expert will not have to be grounded exclusively on documentary sources, but to be also extended to verify the epigraphic, material, monumental, topographic and palaeographic, numismatic sources or all that may serve to verify the authenticity or not of the following statement: “Jesus Christ is not a historical personage”. It appears very clear that the inquiry is complex and long and that it could go beyond the themes indicated by art. 392 II sub-section C:P:P: (60 days).
The injured party reserves for itself the right to nominate a technical adviser of its own in the domain of the valuation required.
Enclosed: nomination of the defence counsel.

Luigi Cascioli



Thanks to a perfect bank and post service, the first edition of The Fable of Christ has been outsold also due to an excellent carrying out of the consignment

© Luigi Cascioli