Atheism attacks Christianity in a lawsuit against its ministers for the abuse of popular credulity and the substitution of person. It is the first time in the history of mankind that a religion is prosecuted directly in a law case that will end with a verdict regarding specific and defined crimes.

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This is a telegram sent by Marcello Craveri , who is well known world-wide as an expert on Christ on the occasion of the presentation of the book "THE FABLE OF CHRIST" at the Odradeck bookshop in Rome.

"Dear Luigi Cascioli,
I have read your book "The Fable of Christ" which I received from the GA.MA.DI association.
At last someone has demonstrated the irrefutable inexistence of Christ . The creation of this figure was one of the most convenient and profitable inventions."
Marcello Craveri


"With the essentiality and clarity of a mathematic principle, Luigi Cascioli is not just stating a theory on the Fable of Christ, by gathering all possible documents and using a good faculty of reason he is proving indisputably the truth in the words of the atheist Leone X to Cardinal Bembo: "Historia docuit quantam nos iuvasse illa de Christo fabula".
Professor and sculptor Giulio Tamburrini . Rome


"Within the framework of recent atheist literature the book "THE FABLE OF CHRIST" by Luigi Cascioli draws our attention for its courage and irrefutable historical documentation, supported by a convincing and rigorous rationality of its conclusions.
Considering the Bible as a simple legendary narration in which a monotheist cult was invented and superimposed for political aims, nobody before Luigi Cascioli has ever demonstrated the inexistence of Jesus Christ.
Following his own specific course the author reached the same result that the materialist thinkers reached on a general philosophical level, in particular the most modern of these, the scientist and dialectic materialist Federico Engels".
Professor and Engineer Adolfo Amoroso . Rome


"The "Fable of Christ", on proving the inexistence of Jesus Christ, annuls all theological concepts of the Christian's God who asserts is all in one with his Son."
Italo Libri - university professor - Sapienza - Rome


"Cascioli's accurate historical studies not only relativize the interpretations of the Holy Scriptures, but eliminate the halo of indisputable truth that surrounds them. A clear message against every kind of integralism."
Peter Boom - author


"We are proud to announce that we have entered the year 1 of the Atheist Era. Luigi Cascioli, historical researcher, has published a book - " The Fable of Christ" - supplying overturning revelations regarding all the concepts and the historical falsities on which is based that enormous fraud called "christianity". All the atheists in the world are aware of this fact, but it had to be proved. To prove the non-existence of what never existed was the obstacle surmounted by Luigi Cascioli. With his profound knowledge of the Holy Scriptures and his immense historical culture, the author is intentioned - now in possession of the irrefutable proof - to promote a legal action against the powerful Catholic Church. Translated in three languages, this book-trial represents a real prosecutor's statement. "The Fable of Christ" contains all the necessary elements, permitting the author to bring an action against the Catholic Church for abuse of popular credulity and personation (art. 661 and 494 of the Italian penal code). An unprecedented trial that will take place when enough money has been collected by selling the book. I support the cause of Cascioli heartily, we'll support him with the Magazine of Leman, doing all our best to realize this trial. We have already got in touch with two French television channels and in a short time there'll be a new page dedicated to this book. We invite other affiliations and organizations to publicize this book. I ask all the Atheist Associations, all the lay- and freethinker-webs, to spread the information about this trial, to start petitions, to propose us their ideas, etc. Shortly, to do everything possible, especially on the web, to make this trial possible. We are at the beginning of the end of the Homus religiosus. Let's mobilize!"
Angelo La Bella - scrittore ed ex deputato R.C.


"Good day,
Even if you do not know me, I have become one of your fervent supporters since I read your book.
I would like to buy 350 copies and give them to my fellow villagers a copy as a present, one for each family. I am sure they would be pleased to read it.
I read the result of your research with infinite pleasure. Thank you for having told me what I have always wanted to know. I am 23 years old. I am so happy that a law court will at last administer justice to the oppression which has been imposed on us for thousands of years.
I would like to offer my contribution to pay for the costs of the trial even if my resources are limited.
Please count on my support. Will you send me 5 books for my friends?"
Renato Ongania - Lecco


"The Fable of Christ" is a decisive collection of proof demonstrating that the figure if Jesus is the result of manipulation and falsification of documents which in reality refer to a certain John of Gamala, son of Jude the Galilean and grandson of the rabbi Ezechia, a direct descendant of the Asmonite tribe founded by Simon, son of Mattatia the Maccabean.
In order to arrive at this conclusion, the author did not only carry out a rational exegesis of the "Sacred Scriptures", of the manuscripts of Kimberth Qumran and of the cults of pagan mystery, but he also used a lot of documentation taken from the scriptures of the historians of the time, such as: Giuseppe Flavio, Filone Alessandrino, Plinio the Elder and others.
After the proof provided by the "FABLE OF CHRIST" on the inexistence of Jesus, how can we still believe that the tales reported in the gospels which are full of contradiction and coarseness are the bibliography of a historical character?
By following a blind faith many Christians prefer to stress the importance of symbolism contained in the texts……….but if everything is symbolic, what is left of the historical character?"
Johannès Robyn President of the Atheist Union of France


The Fable of Christ

(Article published in "Rubrique Littéraire de l'Union des Athées" – France)

It is the first time in the history of mankind that a religion is prosecuted directly in a law case that will end with a verdict regarding specific and defined crimes, which is the abuse of popular credulity and belief (article 661, Italian criminal code) and the substitution of person (494, Italian criminal code).

A verdict that, considering the irrefutable proof presented by the prosecutor, will certainly be a sentence against the ministers of the catholic church for being "divulgators of false facts passed of for the truth", forbidding their teachings, and as many people who have already read The Fable of Christ have said, this will give way to a post-christian era that all people of good will are ready and waiting for.

All discussion regarding the existence of Jesus, who for the lack of reliable documentation has gone on for centuries in inconclusive diatribes between believers and opposers in order to establish if he was a myth or real, dark or blond, married or single, handsome or ugly, have all been swept away by the book The Fable of Christ with its irrefutable proof that he never existed.

Actually The Fable of Christ is a dossier containing the necessary arguments for a penal lawsuit against the Catholic Church with its ministers as representatives, it is a serious collection of juridical proof which show that the figure of Jesus is no other than the manipulation and falsifications of documents which were really referring to a certain John of Gamala, son of Judas and Ezechia's grandson, a direct descendent of the Asmonites founded by Simon, Mattatia the Maccabean's son.

In order to reach this conclusion, so there will no longer be any doubt about his conclusions, the author carried out a rational exegesis not only on the sacred scriptures but also on all documents concerning pagan religions and their cult of mystery of which Christianity is a perfect reproduction.

This book may be scorned and condemned by those who have based their morality on a pack of lies, but the truth in it can never be annulled or cancelled by history from the moment that the truth has been revealed and spread. Even if the popularisation and spreading of the book is important, and the challenge that the author makes to his enemies: the dull-minded, the hypocrites and the indifferent who are the worst of all according to him, but his real aim is to destroy the fraud on which Christianity is based which is the fraud which makes u the dossier which will be presented to the court.

If spreading the existence of Christ, the virgin Mary and the apostles has been permitted by law up to now because it was considered a comfort for irrational human beings who need illusions to lighten their burdens, like trusting in magic or in horoscopes, this will no longer be possible because soon, very soon, it will be considered a crime according to articles 661 and 494 of the Italian criminal code.

There is much proof to present in a law case, and the denunciation or accusation (at the end of the book) is ready ……So it is only a matter of time!




Thanks to a perfect bank and post service, the first edition of The Fable of Christ has been outsold also due to an excellent carrying out of the consignment

© Luigi Cascioli